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Bem vindo ao CNADS
Publicação online, pela Springer, de novo livro do Prof. Filipe Duarte Santos


Time, Progress, Growth and Technology

How Humans and the Earth are Responding

nformação veiculada pela editora

This book addresses the current challenges of sustainable development, including its social, economic and environmental components. The author argues that we need to develop a new concept of time based on inter-generational solidarity, which focuses both on the long- and the short term. The evolution of man's notions of time are analyzed from prehistory to modern times, showing how these concepts shape our worldviews, our ecological paradigms and our equilibrium with our planet.  Practical approaches to dealing with the major medium- and long term sustainability challenges of the 21st century are presented and discussed.

“ This is a thought provoking and timely book that addresses the main global socioeconomic and environmental challenges facing the current and future generations, using science-based analysis and perspectives. It presents an historical narrative of the advent of progress, economic growth and technology, and discusses the structural changes needed to co-create sustainable pathways. It provides hope for our future on Earth, mankind’s common home.”

António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations

“ This is an amazing, almost mind-boggling book. The author takes a look at the true whole, i.e., the development of the human enterprise since its very beginning. This enterprise is evidently a possibility under the boundary conditions of cosmological dynamics and natural evolution, but evidently also a highly improbable one. It is all but a miracle that the Earth system in its present form exists and happens to support a technical civilization. Will this civilization last long, will it transform itself into something even more exceptional, or will it perish in disgrace?

Santos dares to address these grandest of all questions, equipped with a unique transdisciplinary wisdom drawing on physics, cybernetics, geology, biology, economics, anthropology, history, and philosophy. And he dares to dive into the deepest abysses of thinking, where categorial monsters like time and progress lurk. Thereby, he takes us on fascinating journey, during which we perceive and grasp things we have never seen and understood before. One of the best essays I have ever read.”

John Schellnhuber,  founding director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and former chair of the German Advisory Council on Global Change




Prémio de Mérito 2020/ Turismo, Sustentabilidade e Economia Social, na categoria Sustentabilidade, da Fundação INATEL

O presidente do Conselho Nacional do Ambiente e do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CNADS), Professor Doutor Filipe Duarte Santos, foi galardoado com o Prémio de Mérito 2020/ Turismo, Sustentabilidade e Economia Social, na categoria Sustentabilidade, da Fundação INATEL, em cerimónia de entrega organizada no passado dia 13 de outubro, no Teatro da Trindade INATEL, em Lisboa.

O vídeo sobre a entrega da distinção já está disponível, para visualização e para download:


Declaração do CNADS sobre um Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Inclusivo na fase pós-COVID19, de 5 de junho de 2020


Declaração do CNADS sobre um Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Inclusivo na fase pós-COVID19, de 5 de junho de 2020.

en_Declaration on a Sustainable and Inclusive Development in the post-COVID19 phase June 5 2020


A rede “European Environment and Sustainable Development  Advisory Councils (EEAC)” edita a sua o seu boletim de notícias (Newsletter) Edição Primavera 2023 que divulga as actividades da rede e é direccionado, principalmente, para o público em geral.

INATEL-International Week of Sustainable and Fair Tourism for All

Participação do presidente do Conselho Nacional do Ambiente e do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Professor Filipe Duarte Santos

Please find INATEL videos on ISTO’s website:



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